I think as women AND some dudes out there we tend to go on social media and we see other women/men looking “hot” with the perfect family and etc and sometimes we get so hung up on the idea that we need to do that. There’s this thing called ” Stock photos” meaning someone put all these cute things together and took a picture of it and is actually selling the said photo. Be the rebel you are, if you want to get professional photos taken and you want to wear that black tutu with converses Or wear your tee that looks like a tux go for it. .. girl/dude you rock the shit out of it and if you happen to have purple hair EVEN better. The crappy about is things like apps and photoshop make all this look better. Not everything online is worth copying.
So there’s a thing called lies and as I mentioned above some not ALL tend to fall for this. It’s mostly people who have low self-esteem and guys that come down to a lot of things. I’ve seen and read things online about how people have these huge following on IG and FB and all for them to stress out about looking perfect and etc. There’s NO need to stress. Your mental health is far more important than worrying over some photo and likes. In a few years, this shit won’t matter. You will look back and laugh at how much of a ” dumb-ass” you were for actually giving a shit about something so small. Many people would argue that it’s a sponsored post and you were getting paid tons of money. Will, is this your own form of you paying your bills? Because if it is you need to rethink your life. If this is a side gig OK cool but remembers looks fade just like trends.
Lies EVERYONE knows but tends to look the other way. Wishing they lived this perfect life.
- Always looking flawless. GIRL/dude apps do this.
- Making it seem you’re always at the gym.
- Always looking cute/hot. /Rolls eyes
- Making it seem you’re always at some important event.
- Oversharing EVERYTHING.
- Only showing the positive part of being a business owner. WHY DO THIS?
AND THE BIG ONE: Telling people you’re making a certain out of money when in reality you’re not even breaking even. This is the sad reality about people online. Its all about making yourself look good and etc BUT whatever happened to just being you?
I know what your thinking… Gabbie aren’t you being a little harsh and a hater. FUCK yeah. I’m almost 36 and I’m over this shit. Like pods from the 90s. ( SHOUT OUT TO MY FELLOW 90S kids) . But in all seriousness be yourself .. be the real you and own it .. I mean REALLY own it.
Remember its not high school anymore you don’t need to fit in.
PS. I was sitting here going ” I need to start a podcast one day “:D What do you think should I ? or maybe have someone interview me on their podcast?
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